Our favorite films we've seen from the year of 1985.
"The Emerald Forest" - John Boorman
"To Live and Die in LA" - William Friedkin
"Brazil" - Terry Gilliam
"Commando" - Mark L. Lester
"Police Story" - Jackie Chan
"The Quiet Earth" - Geoff Murphy
"Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters" - Paul Schrader
"After Hours" - Martin Scorsese
"The Breakfast Club" - John Hughes
"Back to the Future" - Robert Zemeckis
"Day of the Dead" - George A. Romero
"The Goonies" - Richard Donner
"Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome - George Miller, George Ogilvie
"The Return of the Living Dead" - Dan O'Bannon
"Fool for Love" - Robert Altman
